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Building Entrance/Parking

Sedgwick Jr/Sr High School Parking and Entrance

Please refer to the diagram indicating the designated areas for parking and building entrance. The student/staff parking zones are marked in red, while the student drop-off/pick-up zone is marked in blue. Vehicles should enter the parking lot from 4th Street and proceed either North or West. Please note that traffic within the lot is one-way, going exclusively north or west.

All students are required to use the main doors for entry. All other doors will remain locked as part of our enhanced campus security measures to ensure the safety of our students and staff. This applies to students who drive or walk to school; they must use the main entry door.

For students arriving after the regular start time, they should enter through the main entry door, which leads to the Junior High/High School office, and then proceed to their respective classes.

Parents/Guardians, if you need to deliver an item to your student during the school day, kindly enter the Junior High/High School office, as no other doors will be accessible for entry.

For any inquiries, please feel free to contact us at 316-772-5155.